Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Macabre Monday (on Wednesday) Pleasure and Pain Challenge

Had one rough week and major lacking of mojo for my DT card for Macabre Monday. The cool challenge is Pleasure and Pain. Use something you love (stamp, embellie, color, etc.) and something you hate. First were the decisions and I finally came up with wet and dry embossing. Honestly, I already stink at rubber stamping, but to add embossing powder and a heat gun...DISASTER! But you know I love me some Cuttlebug! Then find an image and folder that made sense. Lots of failed attempts here but finally Mr. Stripes by Torrente/Penney for Stampotique (another LOVE as long as I don't have to heat emboss) and the Cuttlebug Spider Web embossing folder. As I continued I realized there were all sorts of Love/Hates on this card. Love: Dry embossing, Stampotique stamps, purple and orange, multiple mat layers, border punches, Nestabilities, foam dimensionals, adhesive beads, the Internet
Hate: Heat embossing, rubber stamping, border punches (I cannot tell you how many times I had to redo these three elements), less than creative layouts, spiders, lack of mojo when you really want to do a good job, THE INTERNET (how many hours do YOU waste in a day?) So pop by Haunted Design House and see the fab offerings of Pleasure and Pain by the rest of the Minions (and already a number of fab entries in the challenge.) Play along! There's plenty of room for interpretation on this one!

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