Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Better Late Than Never BBTB2

So how many people totally freaked that I didn't have a BBTB2 project on Monday? Yeah sure, fess up. It wasn't intentional. I had my card design in DS and then IT WOULDN'T CUT! My dear friend and fabulously talented DT sister Susan chose the Sunny Days cut from Celebrate with Flourish. I'll admit my Macabre Monday project took WAY longer than expected, and I'm sorry to those of you who don't appreciate my "creep factor," but sometimes just the process of doing something new becomes really exhilarating so... Anyway I started to cut my BBTB2 card and it wouldn't cut in DS. I was really late so I emailed my DT sisters and Susan came to the rescue telling me that Celebrate with Flourish was listed twice in DS, once as Celebrate With Flourish and once as Celebrate With Flouris which was a correction for the screwed up first one. Yup, this one I'd done with the wrong one so it wouldn't work and as it was late in the game, I just couldn't redesign it with the right one. Monday I had stuff to do and this morning I had a dentist's appt. I was gonna blow it off (because technically we're only required to do 2 projects a month) but I take this DT position VERY seriously and I've only missed two weeks in the several years I've been on this team (and those were when I didn't have the required cut and there were no substitutions.) So here it is. Not exactly how I envisioned but... Shaped card, no surprise.

Not as much dimension as I'd hoped but it's okay. The colors were inspired my the Whimsical Wednesday Color Challenge as I'm entering this in that challenge as well. I'm hoping the pix speak for themselves because I'm really tired. Getting up at around 4:00 am every morning takes it's toll and tomorrow I have yet ANOTHER eye appt. Anybody know a good seeing eye dog? We have great inspiration on BBTB2 this week (well, when don't we?) and remember the challenge runs for 2 weeks. If you don't have the cart, you may substitute and do the phrase from another cart. Please remember we'd like new projects only, not back dates and be sure to link your challenge to BBTB2.

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