Monday, February 28, 2011

  Walls, Diaries and Paintings

Jose has a new show opening in NYC - If you're there, definitely check it out.. 


MARCH 3 - APRIL 16, 2011
New York, NY, February 28, 2011— Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery is pleased to announce Walls, Diaries, and Paintings, a solo exhibition of the Brooklyn-based artist José Parlá.
Walls, Diaries, and Paintings features fifteen new paintings, that chronicle Parlá’s exploration of the diverse places and cultures he has traversed. From Istanbul to Havana, from Tokyo to New York, the colors and textures of the neighborhoods and alleyways have found a forceful and moving resolution in Parlá’s works that are both inspirational and revealing. 

+ .. +

London-based photographer Fats Shariff has his new show, titled Women. opening this Thursday at Lava Gallery, Soho. 
He recently exhibited in Colette, which we were stoked to see Fi in - so we can't wait to see if she'll be in this one! ...

Arran Gregory's solo show at Jaguar Shoes titled FOREST, was one not to miss. Champ visited Jag Shoes during the daytime, when we could actually take photos. Whats next for Arran!

Kinfolk - Brooklyn Opening

Champ friends Kinfolk have gone and done it again - this time with new studios in Brooklyn, Nyc. The Opening has been and gone, but we look forward to seeing what else the guys come up with. Good luck! xx

BBT2 Bird House or Bird Cage Challenge and Blog Hop

Welcome to the first stop on the February Blog Hop and Bird House or Bird Cage Challenge at BBTB2, hosted by my dear friend and very first (and unfailing) inspiration, Carole Beathe. I chose the birdhouses from Stretch Your Imagination and again made a "Welcome to the Neighborhood" card using the sentiment from the Handyman cartridge.
Again it's a shaped front card with all the elements welded in Cricut Design Studio.
Count your blessings that I'm really tired from my fabulously fun girly trip away this weekend so this post is gonna be really short just in case I oversleep and can't fill in more details before this post goes live Monday morning as scheduled. At least I was able to finish the card prior to my departure with a decent amount of layers. Next stop is the fabulously talented Carole's Blog but before you leave, be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win a $30.00 gift certificate to Custom Crops and enjoy the hop.
Always find it interesting...

I was reading the Seven Seeds 'News' page - and love their detailed and interesting posts about coffee. 
A must read! Click here.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Macabre Monday My Beloved Monster Challenge

Bet you guys were afraid to came after last week's gruesome Macabre Monday, weren't you? Well, surprise, surprise,surprise! I almost skipped this one because of my little trip, but then I got a funny little inspiration thinkin' about bein' away. The theme this week is My Beloved Monster and I took the opportunity to finally use my Mini Monsters to do a shaped card right off the cartridge. I warned the Minions that this was gonna have to be cutsie or not at all and I'm hopin' they don't drum me out of the corps but it is what it is. I added a little texture with my Cuttlebug.
OOPs! TMI? Guess I knew I'd be missing my man. There's some fabulously inspiring work by the Minions this week that I know you don't want to miss so be sure to stop by Haunted Design House and check out more fave monsters.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


i spent the day yesterday cleaning our master bedroom.
lulu sheds a lot, a lot and she is a full time dog. you have to brush her, and brush her and more brushing and she still sheds like crazy. she sleeps with us and spent most of the day in our bedroom. i do not have to say is like we breath, eat and wear lulu's fur.  i mean, when i have to clean i have to move everything and clean everything with water and a cleanser, clean walls, curtains, ceiling fan, closets and every single thing we have in the room. when the swiffer can't do it any longer, water and soap is indispensable, lol.
you know i can't craft if my house is not clean so it wasn't it was dirty-dirty but it needed immediate attention.
--after popping in a series of pain killers, i was able to finish--
today is laundry day but in between some loads, i made these two cards.

take it easy with twinkle toes
A2 size
(4.25 by 5.5)
the elephant is the one from twinkle toes
image#11 of the overlay

the elephant was cut at 2.88 inch tall and 3.69 wide.

the crown and skirt were stickled cotton candy and bling was attached on the crown. the tail was covered with orange fuzzy stuff ( i can't remember the proper name right now :()
i also added diamond stickles to the eyes and inked everything, of course.
 the sentiment "take it easy" is from a my pink stamper clear stamp set called 
"more punnylicious" from one her releases last year.
you can click HERE if you would like to see the rest of the sentiments.
i added another piece of patterned paper to the inside.
these elephants were very easy and fun to make.

thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend
love you all

Friday, February 25, 2011


Issue 003 of Champfest Magazine is officially launching .. tonight! 


It's more of a thankyou to everyone  - we couldn't have created and made it to issue 003, without everyone support!

In conjunction to the release of Issue 003, we are celebrating the finish of our CREATORS SUPPLEMENT. This has been in the making for some time now and features the likes of Nieves, PAMBooks, Omar Sosa...

We're proud to be partnering up with Pipsqueak Cider (locally made in the Yarra Valley, Victoria) and Michael Pham at Tiny Cafe - for the launch.

Thankyou also to Matt and the team at Incu - we're stoked to be holding the launch in their amazing store.
We'll make sure not to spill anything on the Acne Sensational Tapered Pants...! (They are amazing + new in store).

See you there for a sensational night! 

Champ x

                                                             *This is an invite-only event, as space is limited.
ISSUE 003 //

Ala Champfest Issue 003 is now available to purchase online via

Colette, our sole Parisian stockist, is now selling Issue 003 online. >> They post worldwide!

They have a great range of magazines - from Purple Fashion Magazine, Pop, Clark and ofcourse Champfest Magazine.


Click here or go window shopping // .. 




i am delighted with tags.
i really love them and making these flowers is a breeze.

the buttons are from a box of vintage buttons i received from one of my neighbors. the dream stamped word from a g-studio clear stamp.

and have a beautiful weekend!
it's raining in my neighborhood today which i am happy about because it will melt away some snow.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Something a Little Different with Tiddly Inks

No, your eyes are deceiving you. This is Popsicle Toes but I thought I'd try my hand at a CAS (clean and simple) card for a change. (Not to insult your intelligence, but I finally had to look that one up after seeing it on somebody's blog awhile back and since it's usually not part of my vocabulary.... LOL) Anyway, we seem to be getting several sets of new neighbors and I wanted to make them a card. I really haven't had much time because I've been getting ready for a girly weekend with my BFF Lisa and her daughter and HER BFF. I thought the Tiddly Inks Harmonious stamp would be great for a "welcome to the neighborhood" card but I wanted a bit more color than just black and white. I lined up 5 of the houses and changed the color of each in my Printmaster Pro program to varying shades of blue, then added a sentiment and changed the color or each grouping of 5 letters to match the houses and printed it out. Thought it turned out so cool that I didn't even embellish it, just matted it twice and there ya go. Fab for a quicky and NO COLORING involved! Can't wait to try this in other colorways.
And here's another little tip. Again, hope this isn't just one of those "DUH!" things but often I find that my paper cutter blade is getting really dull and I've already turned it around in the trimmer (and have no spare) so to clean up the edges I use a fine grit foam sanding block (that I got at the hardware store). Works every time!

So I'm off to Irish Beach (near Mendocino) through the weekend. No crafting or internet, just lots of female bonding, hangin' in the hot tub, shopping, eating and WINE! So if you're missing me on your blogs, you know why. I'll be back to catch up and with DT stuff on Monday. In the mean time, be sure to check out Fabulous Inky Friday and last week's winners at The Tiddly Inks Challenge Blog for more inspiration and don't forget the fab shaker card tutorial and challenge HERE. Lots of new stuff at the Tiddly Inks Store too. WooHoo! See ya later!

Bra Appeal - Breast Cancer Awareness Event

For those of you who live in and around Eastbourne, do check out the Breast Cancer Awareness event at the Underground Theatre on Saturday 16 April. Lots to see and do with bric a brac stalls, workshops, prizes from local businesses. The Underground Theatre are kindly arranging refreshments. Do go along and support the event all proceeds to Breast Cancer Care. Volunteers and participants will be warmly welcomed. As a breast cancer survivor this is a cause close to my heart.


for not having updated my blog for a while. I reset my password and managed to lock myself out of my own blog!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


i started going back to the gym on monday, president's day, after been out for a month. it was not as bad as i thought it would be. wish me luck in staying put, lol.

i did not post yesterday the cuttlebug spot challenge post since i had the my pink stamper february design team project. 
this week's is a pop-up card challenge and after looking around the web for ideas, i decided to make what they called a 

Free Standing Pop-Up
5.5 inch tall when closed
you can find the instructions on how to make this beauty 
it will be better than me trying to explain it, lol.
i bet you will be happy to i sent you there.

 the paper is from dcwv, mi casa collection. such a pretty paper/cardstock.

the sentiment is a clear stamp from a my pink stamper stamps collection called

Faithful Sayings

the butterflies are really pretty. they cost me a dollar for a lot of them but can't remember where i got them :(

the corners were done with a fiskars corner punch, the ones that you twist. isn't that font on the sentiment gorgeous? and the sentiment itself? love it. all we can do is trust in the Lord. that is what i do anyway. :)

my other team mates have their projects up and nilda has them all together HERE for you to get inspired and play along in this weeks challenge.

go and have some fun. 
nilda also has a link up where you can find more tutorials for other types of pop-up cards. 
fun to make. 
love the interaction of these cards.

hugs to all of you!

Happy Birthday Lillie! and Bah! Humbug! CD Challenge

I just bet you thought I forgot, didn't you, girlfriend? LOL Today is my dear friend Lillie's birthday so I want to make sure you all pop over to her blog and leave her some love! Obviously this is not her Birthday card, but the current Bah!Humbug! (extremely challenging) challenge of using CD's or DVD's in your project. You ladies been hitting the Egg Nog again? Actually once I found one to use, it wasn't that bad because I didn't get all that creative. I planned on doing a snowflake kinda thing but while perusing my stash I came upon this K&Co. snow globe sticker which conventiently covered up the center hole. The glitter inside looked rather lovely with the shiny CD and coordinated beautifully wth the fab poinsettias I'd been dying to use. (A B!H! Spot Prize from last year, WooHoo!) I put a green peelie border around the edge and added a plaid bow. The DP is the DCWV Homemade Christmas Stack that I chose because of the glitter stripes. Pretty darn easy after all and something I never would have thought to use.

I'm also very excited to say that I've been chosen to be one of the Guest Designers for Bah! Humbug! which excites me to no end. What an honor it is to join those talented ladies! Can't wait to find out which month it'll be.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Upcoming ... Exhibitions You Shouldn't Miss

Showcasing the works of painter Conrad Johnson. 
Where: Out West. W1D 3AS. New venue We Are Cuts
When: This Thursday. 24th February 7pm
//Conrad is an amazing painter, and an amazing guy at that. For someone quite humble and quiet, he's got some great things to shout about. He was also part of the 2010 Bicycle Film Festival Joyride Art Show. His acrylic on canvas painting of Jesus holding a cog was one of the best pieces in the show. We wonder what he has in store for 3:20 //

 The Stuff of Dreams / A Collection of Taxidermy Textiles
Where: Jaguar Shoes, Kingsland Rd
When: Thurs 10th March 7pm
 Lilli and Jazmine team up for the next Jaguar Shoes show. Recently the venue has been showing some great works (previously Arran Gregory's FORREST where he had some cut-down logs for visitors to sit on).
We look forward to seeing this show!

>> // >> /

For Those That Don't Know, Now You Know

Here at Champ, we will always favour printed matter over blogs. But each to their own. Technology is there - so use it.
 Here are some of our favourite blogs. Add them to your favourites. They are worth your time.

 Run by streetwear heavy-weight Hiroshi Fujiwara.
Bloggers are hand-picked by Hiroshi and every 100 days the blog is re-newed with different bloggers whilst keeping some of the same. 100-day relay.
Our favourite bloggers to read are Andrew Bunney, Mai Ikuzawa, Jun Takahashi, Verbal, and Paul Mittleman. A stunning selection of writers and quality of content is super high.

Arkitip Intel
Just like their products, Arkitip's blog is full of interesting topics/images/articles/people.
Our favourites are Wood Wood, Marco, Yorgo, Tyler, but they are all pretty amaze.
The site has a new format, we liked the old! Bring it back!

James' favourite - Garmsville
Headed by Jason Jules, London's effortlessly-stylish man-about-town.
It is not regularly updated, but the content is quality, which makes it definitely worth the wait.
It reminds you that yes there are still products being made that focus on quality, good-detailing and purpose. Allelujia.

>> // >


Has a new site. We all know how tough it is to get a new website going, to make it represent you and your work correctly and to keep all that running and updated.
Well Berlin-based artist Jaybo has done just that.

See more here or keep updated with the rest here.

There is an extensive interview with Jaybo in Issue 003 of Champfest. Grab your copy now while you still can. Featured also are images of his newest works. Always impressed...

Don't miss his upcoming show in Berlin - March 11th...

The Cuttlebug Spot Pop Up Cards

Oh I sure have enjoyed this fabulous month of card folds with The Cuttlebug Spot. Our last inspiration is Pop Up cards and again, there are so many different kinds to choose from. I decided to go with the Surprise Pop-up found HERE on Splitcoast Stampers. I basically followed the tutorial, but wanted to make it a bit more special by using a Martha Stewart Punch Around the Page mat which caused be to modify the pop up dimensions slightly. The white mat is embossed with the tiny hearts from the With Love Card Making Combo and the pop-up sentiment is from the Sizzix Baby set.

I wanted it it to be as pretty closed at open so I started with a 5x6 3/4" rectangle and punched around with the Swirling Lace set. I added a 4x 5 3/4" yellow mat on top of that and then cut the width of the pop up top at 3 3/4" instead of 4 1/4" and cut the side slits for the slider at only 1/2" rather than 3/4" from each side. The pull tag is 3 1/4" wide. Because of this, I could only use 1/8" tape to adhere the top to the back to leave room for the slide tag.

In order for the pop up to slide easily it is best to stamp, or print your sentiment. I used rub ons mostly from Melissa Francis. The little hand and feet are brads from M's. Too cute, eh? The Cuttlebug Spot DT has come up with fabulous stuff this week (as always) so pop on over and be inspired!


hello my friends
i can't believe we had snow on sunday night :(-- i got up yesterday morning to another winter wonderland sight. it did melt fast and the roads were clear. that was nice! :)

today we have our second designer team project for my pink stamper. we all know robyn and HERE is the link to her site where she will be posting all her designer projects.
this is my project and it is done with the cricut circle exclusive cart (for now--wink) 
cricut everyday.  
this is our third cartridge received as a circle member.
i used the expression without the gypsy for this project. oh, lala!! hehe
this is the first in months or maybe almost a year. since i bought the g i normally use it with my e.

 these boxes are super cute!
the sentiments are from my pink stamper clear stamp set called 

this box was cut at 8.25" and when assembled it measures approximately
2.5 inch square  (if counting the top flaps, add an inch or so)

sorry i forgot to take a pic of the middle box, the black one---oops!!!
but it was cut at 5.5 inch and when assembled it measures approximately 1.5 inch squared.


this tiny one was cut at 3 inch and when closed is around 1 inch. so tiny and adorable, ;p the little swirl is from one of the first stamp sets from robyn, when i was serving my first term with her. you can find it here, on the products section.

below is another view of all the boxes again
 hope you like them too. they are a breeze to make and with so many different clear stamp sets from robyn aka my pink stamper, assure yourself  to find the right one for your boxes/projects/cards too. 
(wink-wink infomercial here, lol)

i am planning to use make the middle box as a treat box for my son's graduation :P
 in the school colors. they will be awesome.

if you have any questions about today's project or any other project, and you think i can assist you-- please-please....just shoot me an email or write it in the comments area and i will get back to you asap.

thanks for stopping by and do not forget to stop at
to see what my other team mates have made for your inspiration. these ladies are super talented and you will find tons of inspiration and ideas to play with in your crafting time.

love you all!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sir Lukas Launch Event

 Jessica Lukaszenko launched Sir Lukas, a fashion coordination, styling and personal shopping business. She plans on producing monthly fashion shows that showcase independent designers, and local boutiques. Go Girl!

I hosted a fitting for my collection and my sister Ali Lux new collection called Adah Lux at my house. Hers is Ali fitting one of the models.
My cat Prince, a Bengal Leopard, is always a big hit any time people come over. He is very popular with the ladies!

                        This is Jessica with Noogie Thai who did hair and make up

                                                      Lux Jewelry and Adah Lux

                                                                     Lux Jewelry

                                                             Lux Jewelry

                                           Lux Jewelry and Adah Lux

Display table at the event, and Candy Lounge makes really good drinks and the staff is really nice!

Golden Rule, a new vintage boutique was also featured.  Wynde Dyer owner of the store recieved an amazing inheirantence of vintage clothing from her mother. The store is very unique in that it rotates its inventory monthly according to the theme of the month. Love it!
Here are some looks from Golden Rule.
The fitting at the store

For more pics, info on the show and all those involved here are some links!

All photos are by me, Jessica Lukaszenko, and Peter Lukaszenko