Saturday, February 12, 2011

Some Odd Girl Digi Day AND Weekly Challenge

Well, I've had a ball all morning over at the new SNR site celebrating Some Odd Girl Digi Day. There were games, challenges, discounts and all around FUN! This time I even managed to participate in the Saturday Challenge by DT member Caz to print and color your image on kraft card stock. WooHoo! That's a new one on me so I just HAD to try it. I chose Valentine Tobie and I really love how soft the Copics look when coloring on kraft. Who knew? The DP is Chelsea's Place by Making Memories. I added 2 MS punched hearts (to total 3) so I could also enter it in the Weekly challenge at the SOG Challenge Blog as well. Thought the sentiment was fitting for a shy little guy like Tobie, don't you? Now let's see if I can manage the Early Bird bookmark challenge too.

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