Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bah!Humbug! Buttons and Bows Challenge

Okay, so they can't all be winners. This embarrassingly simple card is for this week's Bah! Humbug! Buttons and Bows Challenge. My first thought was "Country Christmas" so I dragged out the DCWV Homemade Christmas Stack. The green and kraft gingham made me think of a wreath and I was too lazy to cut one with my Cricut. I pulled out my Scalloped Circle and Inverted Scalloped Circle Nesties, taped them to the cardstock and cut the wreath in one fell swoop. Chose one larger and one smaller and repeated for the shadow. So simple I will definitely be doing that again! Took an hour to decide on the background DP (not really, but it felt like it) and ran it through my Distrezz-it-All to chew up the edges a bit. Cut the sentiment from ribbon from M's, glued on the buttons and bow and called it DONE! Not awful, but coulda done better. Sorry ladies, I've got stuff to do today but didn't want to miss a challenge.

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