Monday, February 7, 2011

Macabre Monday Flesh-eating Frenzy

It's time for another Macabre Monday at Haunted Design House and this week's challenge is Flesh-eating Frenzy. You know, create a fabulously dark and creepy piece with zombies, carniverous plants, flesh eating bacteria...(you get my drift). Let me tell you, try Googling"flesh eating" and I guarantee it'll put you off your feed so I chose the lesser of a whole bunch of disgusting evils with this free coloring book image from Zombies Stained Glass Coloring Book by Dover Publications. (You get them in the monthly newsletter.) I KNEW this one would come in handy! Kinda fitting considering it was Super Bowl weekend so I colored the lovely cheerleaders in GREEN BAY PACKERS, WOO HOO! colors (seemed to go well with their lovely mottled green complexions) and used the Tiny Bubbles Cuttlebug folder for pigskin (sort of) texture. The border punch is EK success Swiss Cheese (hee hee, couldn't fit a cheese head on the little darlings)
The cheer is computer generated and I've printed the image twice so I could pop the hand. The fleshy bone is a portion of the Twip puppet by Phee McFaddell (not sure she had this in mind)that I fussy cut and added for effect. I'm quite pleased with my coloring of the zombie complexions, using W0 over G21 and then dabbing on some colorless blender to get the lovely mottled effect. Wanna see more? (Of course you do!) Pop on over to Haunted Design House to see the rest of the Minions fabulously creepy concoctions. We dare you to play along.

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