Saturday, February 26, 2011


i spent the day yesterday cleaning our master bedroom.
lulu sheds a lot, a lot and she is a full time dog. you have to brush her, and brush her and more brushing and she still sheds like crazy. she sleeps with us and spent most of the day in our bedroom. i do not have to say is like we breath, eat and wear lulu's fur.  i mean, when i have to clean i have to move everything and clean everything with water and a cleanser, clean walls, curtains, ceiling fan, closets and every single thing we have in the room. when the swiffer can't do it any longer, water and soap is indispensable, lol.
you know i can't craft if my house is not clean so it wasn't it was dirty-dirty but it needed immediate attention.
--after popping in a series of pain killers, i was able to finish--
today is laundry day but in between some loads, i made these two cards.

take it easy with twinkle toes
A2 size
(4.25 by 5.5)
the elephant is the one from twinkle toes
image#11 of the overlay

the elephant was cut at 2.88 inch tall and 3.69 wide.

the crown and skirt were stickled cotton candy and bling was attached on the crown. the tail was covered with orange fuzzy stuff ( i can't remember the proper name right now :()
i also added diamond stickles to the eyes and inked everything, of course.
 the sentiment "take it easy" is from a my pink stamper clear stamp set called 
"more punnylicious" from one her releases last year.
you can click HERE if you would like to see the rest of the sentiments.
i added another piece of patterned paper to the inside.
these elephants were very easy and fun to make.

thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend
love you all

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