Thursday, February 24, 2011

Something a Little Different with Tiddly Inks

No, your eyes are deceiving you. This is Popsicle Toes but I thought I'd try my hand at a CAS (clean and simple) card for a change. (Not to insult your intelligence, but I finally had to look that one up after seeing it on somebody's blog awhile back and since it's usually not part of my vocabulary.... LOL) Anyway, we seem to be getting several sets of new neighbors and I wanted to make them a card. I really haven't had much time because I've been getting ready for a girly weekend with my BFF Lisa and her daughter and HER BFF. I thought the Tiddly Inks Harmonious stamp would be great for a "welcome to the neighborhood" card but I wanted a bit more color than just black and white. I lined up 5 of the houses and changed the color of each in my Printmaster Pro program to varying shades of blue, then added a sentiment and changed the color or each grouping of 5 letters to match the houses and printed it out. Thought it turned out so cool that I didn't even embellish it, just matted it twice and there ya go. Fab for a quicky and NO COLORING involved! Can't wait to try this in other colorways.
And here's another little tip. Again, hope this isn't just one of those "DUH!" things but often I find that my paper cutter blade is getting really dull and I've already turned it around in the trimmer (and have no spare) so to clean up the edges I use a fine grit foam sanding block (that I got at the hardware store). Works every time!

So I'm off to Irish Beach (near Mendocino) through the weekend. No crafting or internet, just lots of female bonding, hangin' in the hot tub, shopping, eating and WINE! So if you're missing me on your blogs, you know why. I'll be back to catch up and with DT stuff on Monday. In the mean time, be sure to check out Fabulous Inky Friday and last week's winners at The Tiddly Inks Challenge Blog for more inspiration and don't forget the fab shaker card tutorial and challenge HERE. Lots of new stuff at the Tiddly Inks Store too. WooHoo! See ya later!

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