Monday, February 7, 2011


 hello my friends
 today we start another week at 
and this month challenge is making different shape cards.
last week was the tri-fold and this week we have to make a step card. i do not think i have ever made a step card and while looking on the internet i realized there are a few variations on the step card. i chose the easiest one or i did think it was the easiest, but because i enjoy every minute still took me almost half a day to complete.

Sweet Dreams
5.5 x 4.25
A2 standard invitation size
you can use a standard A2 envelope for it
if you never made a step card before you know you can google it and to will give you many tutorials but i will try to give you the basics here.

you need:
a 5.5 x 10.5 piece of sturdy cardstock

you will score it at:
1.25, 2.5, 4.25 and 6
 and fold as picture above 

then you cut some pretty pretty:
5.5 x 1.25
5.5 x 1.75
5.5 x 2.25

adhere as pictured above and embellish as desired.

the baby bottle is from the cricut wrap it up cartridge, image #13 on the overlay. i did my dry embossing with a small cuttlebug folder i had like forever :). the sentiment is from another new release of my pink stamper called sweet baby and as the tittle implies, it is mostly baby sentiments. i did not take a pic of it and it is not on robyn's product page yet, but i know it does have a lot of nice sentiments on it and i am loving it. keep your eyes open for this one and for another awesome one she just showed HERE today. we are all going to love that one.
the onesies is also from wrap it up, image #33. it was embossed with another small cuttlebug folder and a tiny flower rub-on was added too.

the sweet dreams is from a pack of store bought embellishments i must know i am addicted to them too... wink-wink... and it was popped up with foam tape.

i had to go outside to take a decent picture (thank goodness it was not too cold) but this is a nice side view photo of the card.

i had to make a stand for it because it kept falling backwards. i found this stand on the happy hauntings cartridge and twisted it a bit with the gypsy for almost the perfect size ;p... you can find it on page #68 of the happy hauntings handbook.

hope you like it and inspire you to participate in this week challenge and you even might win some candy.
please, click here to see what my teammates made for this week. i bet you will be delighted to see the different takes on this step card.


--the winner of the action wobbles contacted me and i will be sending the tiny package to Norway this week.

--this FRIDAY, feb.11th. we are having our monthly my pink stamper blog hop starting at 8PM central/9PM eastern time. this one will be lots of fun too.

see you tomorrow 
love you all--!!

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