Thursday, February 10, 2011

Goliath's Valentine to Daddy

This year Goliath decided he wanted his Valentine to Daddy to be like the kind kids used to give out in school (do they still do that?) you know, the flat kind that don't open. Well, Mommy thought that was a fine idea, BUT flat? of course not. I love the little Tiddly Inks Kitty Christy has done a number of ways and decided on Sealed With because of the envelope he was holding. I printed him BIG and colored him with Copics trying hard to make him look like Goliath (although he looks a little bit like a racoon to me but Goliath said he was okay). He's fussy cut and popped on a manila tag on top of Nestie Hearts that were cut from the DCWV Pet Mat Stack.

I replaced the envie with a real envie so Goliath could enclose a special something for Daddy. (More on that later.) The little paw print seal was fussy cut from the stamped envie. the sentiment was spelled out with epoxy letters from J's. Paw print border punch down the side (as close to lace as Goliath would let me get) is EK Success. The mouse border and rat punch are by MS.

Here's a close up of Goliath's special gift (that fits in the envie). Please notice Heather, that this rat is dead, see the x'ed out eye? Not to be confused with the LIVE one Goliath brought in through the cat door of the run on the back porch yesterday. Daddy had a heck of a time corraling that one. This, BTW, is the same cat door that David insisted on putting in the run so he could go in and out at will. Does he? Of course not. Goliath still insists on waking me up every morning at about 2:30 am by pawing at my face to let him out and cries at the back door to come in. When we're around he acts like he hasn't a clue what that door is for, or that it's beneath him to actually open a door for himself. Jezzie however, thinks it's the cat's meow!

BUT today he was caught in the act! In case you can't tell, Goliath has another surprise for Daddy. See the LONG tail hanging from his mouth?

In he comes, the little stinker! Fortunately we closed the window and blocked off the other door before he could bring this little gifty into the house.

Okay, so let's play!

OH, you're no fun. I'll leave you for Daddy. (The bad news is Daddy keeps telling him "Good Boy"). Wonder what he'll bring in tomorrow.
Be sure to check out the Tiddly Inks Challenge Blog for Fabulous Friday tomorrow and there's still time to participate in the current Love is in the Air Challenge.

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