Thursday, April 1, 2010


Hello everyone
by now you already saw the 
announcement and there I am. I wanted a simple photo of me
but among the rest of the DT I looked a little in despair, lol.
But that is ok. That is me, Agnes, aka flowerdisco on the online world. But, I still sent another photo to Robyn to have it changed. So, If you are wondering because you saw the first pic, this is why. I look a bit better on this one, lol.
I first got my online name (flowerdisco) 5-7 years ago. I tried a few different ones on different MB's but I always stocked with flowerdisco and now  it's part of me. It's ok to say is my middle/nickname.

I wanted to make this Star Card in honor of the My Pink Stamper DT 
and I hope you like it and they like it too.
This is card #28 and you can find it on page #59 of your cartridge handbook.

My Star Card
5 inches
 I used American Crafts cardstock for the pinks and black of it.
The white cardstock was from scraps and is from Wausau, it's a linen cardstcok. The envelope was made using construction paper again and the liner is AC too.
I also used George and Basics shapes for the silhouette frame inside the card since I wanted a black border around it to match the black border of the star. While with George, lol, I picked up some stars too with the silhouette feature and those are the stars you see on each corner of the card. My bow was from some ribbon I got in a package I bought once and I do not think my bow came out too bad either, lol. Of course I had to stickled the moment/card to make the DT ladies and Robyn shine.

Lisa's Card
 To see more of Lisa's Creations
you can always visit her blog.
You can click HERE.
(Loving Lisa's bright colors today)

We hope you liked our cards today and remember we will have number 29 on Tuesday.
We showcase our Wild Cards on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Thanks for stopping by and for all the love left.

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