Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kicking Off Christmas Blog Hop

Welcome to Day 1 of the kicking off Christmas Blog Hop! If you've come from Amber's Blog, you're on the right track. If not, bop back to Amy's Blog because you're not going to want to miss the fabulous creations and wonderful prizes you can win so be sure to comment on each and every post to increase your chances and hop to the end because Samantha has a giveaway too. We're featuring products from Chomas Creations, iCopic, and the SP& Company Stamp line so I hope you're inspired.

My favorite way to use Amy's mini gel pen holder is to outline a Cricut cut and then color it with Copic markers and that's just what I've done here. I've used Tink from Tinker Bell and Friends and the poinsettias from the Christmas Solutions cartridge. I have to say I never use the Tinker Bell cartridge until Amy clued me about using the Gel pens with Copics. The cuts were far too intimidating. On one page in DS were the regular cuts for outlining, and on a second page were the shadows (with the exception of the poinsettia layers which didn't have shadows so I cut them with the regular cut) for the cutting. If you have questions how to do this, I have a tutorial HERE that explains the method (although the tut is for the Cricut markers, the method is the same).
The "Believe" sentiment (also from the Tink cart) was done with the embossing tip on vellum. I love the effect and it would have been impossible to make this cut on the Cricut so small. The window was cut with my Nesties Mega Ovals Large and outlined with peel-off stickers.
Then it was just a matter of popping the layers with dimensionals, glittering her wings with Stickles, and adding some adhesive beads and pom poms to her slippers and you have a magical Disney Christmas card. I so love the special effects you can do with the Chomas Creations holders and tip. The possibilities are endless! Next stop is the iCopic Blog and if you get lost, here's a list of the hop destinations. Be sure to come back tomorrow for more ideas. Enjoy!
Donna Mundinger You are HERE!

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