Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Mid November already,

What can I say but Happy Thanksgiving to you all
There are so much we have to be grateful for, not just on thanksgiving but everyday you are alive and have a roof over your head and bread on your table and no terminal illnesses around.
Yes, everyday I get up and I say
"Thank You God for another day in our lives here on earth",
actually, Lulu and I say it every morning before we get off the bed. I am so blessed I have no words that can explain the joy in me.


another term here at my dear Sassy Lady has come and since time is getting very valuable for all of us, after Thanksgiving we have Black Friday and then Christmas, I needed a project that would be easy and fast to make.

Let's count together.......

One, Two and Three
and I made a

Thanksgiving Tag
5 inches high
Psss!  don't believe me, it did not take me a second to make, lol.

I will be using this tag for my hostess gift.
The tag I found in the A Child's Year cartridge (first one showing up in my Gypsy, lol) and you will find it too on page #11. I used another tag for the sentiment also from the A Child's Year from page #9 and cut it at 1.35"H and 2.73"W.

I embossed the tag with a cuttlebug folder named Textile and distressed the tag edges.

I used my Cri-Kits to write Happy Thanksgiving inside my smaller tag using Lyrical Letters. I then used my Sharpie markers to fill in the letters and I used my glitter pen for some bling on it.

The cardstock is from Debbie Mumm 2008 Harvest and Holiday collection.
The gorgeous button is a vintage button that belonged to my 80 something years old neighbor who RIP with the lord and I got to inherit a lot of buttons.

I hope you enjoyed your short visit today at Sassy's.

Love you All!

The "s" in Thanksgiving is my handwriting cause I forgot the s when on the Gypsy. I bet you couldn't tell, lol.

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