Friday, November 26, 2010


I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Super Deals on Black Friday. I do not go out on Black Fridays...can't stand the crowd...but my son went late on the day and got a few deals.
Things will be slow around here with my holiday preparations. BUT, I am already done with a good house cleaning, laundry is up to date. I will start decorating for Christmas on Sunday and on Monday I will go shopping for groceries. I still have to plan my son's 18th birthday but that is easy.

I finished my neighbors small garland and she loved it. We are getting together to make some snowflakes for her to hang around the house. That will be fun since I always work alone.
Here are some pics I wanted to share with you guys.
 At the end of this month it will be a year since we adopted Lulu. We will celebrate that too. It is like her birthday because who knows what kind of life she had before. 
She is our princess now and she knows it too.

 Love you all!

Nobody has participated on the making of the Jingle Bell but TR who already sent me her pic. The giveaway is my last scrabble pendant.
You can win as simple as this:
1- Make a Jingle Bell like the above or any similar one
2- Make a comment telling me your blog address (so I can go and see it)
3- That's it!
I will randomly choose a winner on December 5th.

Have Fun!

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