Sunday, November 21, 2010

Macabre Monday Movie Mayhem; Nightmare on Elm Street Challenge

It's time for another Macabre Monday (no rest for the wicked) and the challenge is Movie Mayhem ....A Nightmare on Elm Street. YIKES! Well, I'm overwhelmed with the whole Thanksgiving thing, so my card is hardly what I'd call "creepy", much to the relief of many of you, I'm sure. But I just LOVE the Punky Teens Halloween stamp "Freddy" from Simply Betty Stamps, and seriously, who better to carve your turkey? The frame and "Turkey Day" is from a DCWV stack. The sentiment is computer generated and the drippy goo(ravy) is an MS punch.
I got my trial pack of Wobbles (WooHoo! Thanks Agnes for the info!) and attached one to Freddy. Makes him move, all the scarier. What is it with the whole "macho turkey carving thing", anyway? If you want to see some REALLY creepy Nightmares, head over to Haunted Design House and check out the fab stuff by my Sinister Sisters, the Macabre Minions have in store for you. I've got nightmares just thinking about it!

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