Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Albion Magazine

Our good friend George Marshall has launched a new BMX magazine. From what we've been told, its going back to the roots of BMX. And all the work done at The Albion is for the love. Obviously there is abit of business that goes along with running a magazine. They're doing it right - we're so stoked.

Covert Mag did a nice writeup and interview on their website. They talk about their background working for RideUk and the corporate bullshit, to plans for The Albion...

Read it here..

+ / + /

 Fixed Magazine Issue 007 Launch

...Where one begins, another magazine continues - stronger than ever.

Here at Champ we are extremely excited about Issue 007 of Fixed Mag coming out. Andy Ellis the Editor, is now doing the Art Direction - (to add to the list of endless roles he already does). We've seen sneak previews of article pages and DAMN it is looking good. Dare we say, it may be the best issue yet.

The launch party is at Red Bull HQ - all details below - as their is no flier yet for the event.

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