Monday, March 7, 2011

BBTB2 Boys Will Be Boys Ladybug Cut

It's time for another BBTB2 challenge and this week it's chosen by our dear leader, Heather. Her choice is the ladybug from the Boys Will Be Boys Cartridge or any ladybug from any cartridge. Good thing, since I don't have BWBB, but it was a tough decision to choose which other ladybug to use. One of my fave project of all time is the card I did from Doodlecharms which you can view HERE on the Custom Crops site and has a free .cut file available. And speaking of .cut files, I so appreciate you all liking my designs enough to ask, but when I design in DS my files are such a mess and changed so frequently that it would take me hours to clean them up for public consumption. They often also require an explanation and unfortunately I haven't the time to do that and therefor don't send them out. I'm really sorry, but thanks for asking.

So anyway, after checking out to check out all of the possibilities, I finally decided on the ladybug on the leaf from Live Simply and realized I didn't have that cartridge either. A short trip to WalMart remedied that and I set about designing. It is a combo of the ladybug and leaf plus the leaves from the flower that is last row, 3rd cut from the left on the keypad welded together and that shaped front welded to the last flower on the cart for the back. (BTW, I had to make a shadow for that flower in DS, no shadows on this cart...grrr) I sized those extra leaves separately so I had to hide contours of the second leaf in each case to get the final design. Make sense? Okay, maybe TMI. Does anybody really read this, or care? I do tend to ramble... In some cases I had to do a bit of hand trimming for the layers which was kind of a PITA but I didn't want to sacrifice dimension if I could help it.
With the card open you can see the shaped front and the Alpha Bead sentiment that was glued to be visible when the card is closed as well. Just a little embossing with Swiss Dots on the ladybug and Polka Dots (in sections, even though it's a 5x7 folder) for the inside flower. Dots and plaids are DCWV Nana's Nursery. Hope you like. My DT sisters knocked it out of the park this week (well, as always) so be sure to stop by BBTB2, and remember, although are challenges are weekly, YOU have 2 weeks to complete them and be eligible for our much sought after blinkie.

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