Tuesday, March 22, 2011


 hello to all and a big welcome to my new followers.
i sincerely appreciate you.
our MPS project for this month is layouts...yeap! you know i am not too experienced with this part of crafting, lol-------- so please, considered yourself warned. (wink-wink)
it took me longer to find a photo i wanted to work with than the layout itself, go figure :)
i will explain the photo at the end of the post.

Boy Oh Boy! we are in TROUBLE
8.5" x 11"
sometimes it is time consuming for me go through all the carts to find a "perfect" image so i work with whatever "catches" my eyes first, unless i have something specific in mind.
in this case i started with accent essentials, which is the first cart showing up in my gypsy, :P
the white scalloped background is image#47, using shift and resized to a "forgotten size"--hehe, but i know it is less than 8.5x11, lol. i did not save the file and now i am in trouble :(
the mats where i adhered the pic, are also from accent essentials, image #48--in three different sizes.

i love how i did the clouds. they are from create a critter, image#11 using shift and creative feature layer 2 and embossed with the tim holtz "cracked" embossing folder. the sentiment on the star is from
MPS clear stamps set called "Boy Crazy". 
i love this set because i have a boy and also because we have lots of boys in the family.
 ok..the socks are here, rotfl. they were my husband's favorite and he did not want to get rid of them. i took this picture because i said to him that "i will scrap them one day" and here they are, in all their glory, ;p
the socks are long gone now and i am so very happy about it. ;p

the arrow is from accent essentials, the "hearts" and the "trouble" word and the "banner" were cuts i already had that never made it before ;p
i finally found some twine/hemp and added to the banner.

the "we r in" are rub-ons.
and as you see i outlined most of the layout and i even used some stickles.

hope you like it and have mercy with your comments, lol. i do hear a lot about the "rule of three" where you are suppose to "guide the eye" when looking at layouts. i do not know if i succeed, but i did try, hehe.

well, this is all for now. 
and no, i still haven't finished the album. boo to me. i will tough.

love you all and if you have time or should i say "make time" to
stop by "my pink stamper site"
to enjoy all the amazing projects my team mates have made just for you. :)

have a great weekend.
i have yard work to do for the love of gardening.

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