Friday, March 4, 2011

A Cutie Couple From Peggy Loves Vintage

I've been dying to use this sweet little Dutch boy and girl from Peggy Loves Vintage Cutie Couples 3 cut outs but just couldn't decide on DP. I was drawn to the dark background and thought my new tulip border folder from Stampin' UP (thanks, Lillie!) was just perfect, but where would I go from there? I kept thinking tulips and Spring, but none of my pastels looked quite right so I leafed through my DCWV La Crema 8x8 stack and found this flocked DP that looked to me just like tulips. I lightened it up with a bit of lace and added some flowers from Making Memories Vintage Findings et Voila! it all came together perfectly. That's what I love about the Peggy Loves Vintage images, you can make a unique, professional looking card in no time at all. WooHoo! I left the sentiment off because I think it's pretty versatile and I love it so much I'm considering framing it.

Peggy has CD's and cut outs for every occasion so be sure to check out her Etsy, Ebay, or Web Store, and if you pop over to her BLOG, you just might find a freebie. She's such a sweetie that way!

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