Wednesday, March 16, 2011


 this th is my mil's b-day. she has 7 kids, my husband being one of them. at the end of november she had a surgery, things got out of whack and she still in rehab. that is where we are meeting th night to celebrate.

i made this card for her.

Have a Happy Birthday
5.5" tall
 cindy loo was used for the flower and k&co for the colorful papers.

after i took the pic i added some stickles to some areas.

the sentiment is from my pink stamper clear stamp set called "everyday life". and the faux gems my son absolutely hates, lol. i love them...hehe

after i finished the card i decided to make her a set to have handy.

all the sentiments are from my pink stamper stamps.

on another note...i haven't have time to work on the album as of today. hopefully i can finish it this week to post the pics of all the pages.

my son wants to say thank you for the love left for him too.


thanks for stopping by and remember

i love you all--!!

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