Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bah!Humbug! Things That Fly Challenge

This week's Bah!Humbug! Challenge was an easy one allowing anything that flies. OOOh so many choices! I'm a big fan of the cute, quirky Octopode Factory images so I decided upon the Whimsical Christmas Angel. (Isn't she a crack up?) She's colored with Copics and mounted upon a shaped card I made in Design Studio using Mickey Font (and squishing it a good deal). The DP is Cosmo Cricket.

I decided to keep this pretty simple, popping only the "O" in JOY and the image itself. AND I managed to keep it down to an A2 size. WooHoo!

I also decided to follow the ladies' Top Tip Tuesday suggestion and actually finished the INSIDE of my card. However don't expect this every week and who exactly will be getting it is yet a mystery. LOL You really didn't think I'd ever be THAT organized, did you? Now, I can think of at least 3 of my buddies who vowed to join me in the Bah!Humbug! challenges this year (ahem, Margie, Lillie, and Nilda) so what the heck are you waiting for? BTW, the challenges come out on Fridays and are due by noon the following Thursday (UK time) so I'm thinkin' you won't be making it this week, LOL, but you oughta go check it out for the fab inspiration as always.

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