Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Susan, Deviant Digital Demon-ess!

The Minions at Haunted Design House are celebrating the birthday of one of our own by putting together a little celebratory romp! (Creepy Glo thought that up, sounds kinds twisted, no? ) Please join us in wishing Susan (our Deviant Digital Demon-ess) a totally wicked and spellbinding birthday! May all of your birthday nightmares (and I mean that in the best possible way) come true! Digital stamps by The Octopode Factory. The Pocketwatch is from Alice Elements and the Birthday Girl is from the Steampunk Ladies set. Birthday hat is a rubber stamp from from Scrolls Work. Design Paper by Graphic 45. The springs are hand made, and the nifty eyeball spinners are from Tim Holtz. Of course since I suck so badly at sending things out Susan, you may expect this card sometime before your NEXT birthday. (But I wouldn't be holding your breath.) LOL I'm also entering this in the Simon Says Stamp Challenge which this week is Anything Goes AND the Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge which is Show Some Metal (the clock springs and game spinner eyes) 'cause I'm feeling lucky! Have a great day! xx

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