Saturday, March 5, 2011


hello to all

i have to tell you guys why i am not around much anymore. since i added the gym to my almost daily routines (and that along takes a lot out of me) i am finding less time to blog. i am fine but i want you all to know it will be like this for a while. sometimes more blogging sometimes less. 
i also have been getting the house in order for spring, doing lots of laundry, taking care of personal things and doctors appointments. 
talking about doctors appointments---my son will be having his wisdom teeth removed sometime in summer. the surgeon was a young doctor and he was very pleasant. it is always nice feeling comfortable with the doctor. it means a lot.
i am also working on a mini album (mostly on-cricut) and i haven't make a mini in a while :(. i want to put it up for sale on etsy and trying to keep my shop going. the extra tiny income will be very well needed when my son starts college since i guess i will be money-less then, lol. so...i said to myself--agnes, better start trying to get some extra cash and the only way you can do it is trying to sell your handmade stuff --. hehe
let's see how it goes. wish me luck. etsy is getting like ebay---very busy and your listing gets buried among other listings very-very fast. i am trying to stay afloat there.

this is something i listed on my shop a few days ago. i made it mostly with kraft cardstock which seems i am in love with for a while now ;p

Travel Mini Card Set
bag 5 inch tall

i love how it came out. this envelope is from just because cards and i added that ticket shaped on the side and it looks so cute. that was done out of necessity to make sure the envelope wouldn't open later on and if it did it was going to be secured.
the paper used is from "me and my big ideas".

below is a collage of pics from the set.
 all vintage looking like me but i hope you still like it--hehe
hey, an inspiration is an inspiration, right?

love you all!

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