Sunday, March 6, 2011

Missing - You Sassy Cheryl's Pearls and Satin and Simon Says Stamp Recipe challenges

A few public announcements:

If you're looking for the winner of my BBTB2 Blog Hop candy, please scroll down.

Also, My dear friend Margie's daughter Melissa has just started her very own blog called No Bees, Please and has made her very first card. Let's all welcome her to blogland and keep her creating. She's fab!

Now then, on to my card. I was visiting my sweet friend Barb and saw a gorgeous card she'd done for the Sassy Cheryl's Blog Hop. I just assumed she was on the DT because it was so darling (as they all are, but this one was especially) and I actually had the time to hop along. OH, what inspiration and the images were so stinkin' cute AND Cheryl just happened to be having a sale (which ended at midnight last night, but hey, digi's are a bargain ) so I had to buy some. At the end of the hop I realized Barb wasn't on the DT but was entering the weekly challenge which is Pearls and Satin and that the winner of the challenge wins a $25 gift certificate to buy MORE of the fab images sooo... I just had to sneak in a card to be elegible and besides, this image was really calling to me. This is May. She's cut out with Nesties Labels 10 and colored with Copics with a bit of inking with Antique Linen Distress Inks. Doesn't her wistful expression looks like she's missing someone terribly? I know all about that.

I've also been meaning to to play along with Simon Says Stamp again and the current No Cook Recipe Challenge is 2 patterned Papers + and solid card base and 3 different embellies. WooHoo! My pearls swirls are Zva Creative with a Prima pearl butterfly, the roses are also Prima and the satin ribbon is Offray. The DP is K&Co Blue Awning and I used both the front and back of a double sided sheet for my 2 patterns. Sorry I rambled. I'm kinda lonesome today and I'm procrastinating big time. Must get back to DT work!

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