Sunday, March 20, 2011

You're Just My Type

Instead of working on DT stuff I'm here screwing around on some "just for fun" challenges. First is Gingersnap Creations Random Redhead challenge which this week is typewriters. (Ya didn't think I'd let THAT one go by, did ya?) I KNEW I had some Graphic 45 paper I hadn't used so I was all up for this one and figured I could make a quickie. The typist and typewriter images are from the Communique Collection and the typewriter keys are punch outs from the Domestic Goddess Collection that I covered with clear epoxy stickers from J's. I designed a quick frame for them in Cricut Design Studio using George and then a tab from the From My Kitchen cartridges and printed it on my computer and stapled it on. Both the receipt and tiny calender are Tim Holtz Traveler Tissue Tapes (on SALE now at Custom Crops!)
The frame and keys are popped for dimension on a 5 1/4" square card. The corners are rounded with my Cropadile Corner Chomper. I'm also entering this is the Little Red Wagon Challenge which is Office Supplies. Finally, I'm entering this in Guest Designer Michelle's Challenge On Yvonne's (Do More With Less)Blog which is to do something out of your comfort zone. I'm a Cricut cutting, Cuttlebug embossing, stamp coloring kinda gal so I RARELY make a card that I "assemble" using primarily images, stickers or punch outs, etc that I didn't make myself. Okay, there's a little Cricut, but hey, you can't tell me that this looks remotely like my usual style. LOL
On Friday I scored BIG TIME at the Pleasanton Scrap Expo. All day yesterday I was lamenting the stuff I DiDN't get because I ran out of time but when I unpacked it all...HOLY SMOKES! I'm surprised my credit card didn't self destruct! So I'm outta here. Back to working on BBTB2. Yes, I ALWAYS wait 'til the last minute.

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