Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hello everyone!
We are having Autumn weather in the neighborhood. It has been cloudy and rainy and cool, yeah!
After the heat waves we had this weather is just perfect for me.
Well, my son has many friends and therefore many, many birthdays and graduation parties and get together's.
I have made many, many graduation cards and birthday cards as some of you might know.
  He went to New York on Sunday for a musical (for second time in less than a month) to celebrate a friend's birthday.

 My Altered Sketchbook N Card
is my present to her. 
T likes to draw and she does a very good job too.
 It is mostly non-cricut. I used a K& Co cardstock and embellishments, some faux pearls, stickles, Fiskars Effervescent punch, and rub-ons for.  I also added some doodling with my new white pen from Marvy called Reminisce. I purchased this pen at ACM and I really like it. The clerk said some people returned them because they seem to run out of ink fast but I really don't care because I love the way the ink flows. They are just a $1.49, so what? if I like them , right? LOL. The big scallop and circle was cut with the Expression and I can't remember what cart I used because I did not save it to my G :( but there are so many you really won't care to know anyway :)

I hope you like it and gets to inspired you a bit.
as I got inspired by Tracy from 
with her altered notebook.
then I was browsing yesterday and I saw Amy's from
work on another notebook.

Hugs to All!

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