Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back to School with Tiddly Inks

This is my second post of the day, so if you're looking for BBTB2 (a day late) please scroll down.

The Tiddly Inkers are going Back to School this week with fun new projects and some fabby new images from Christy. I had a hard time choosing but SchoolGirl's gorgeous wavy hair won out. My original plan was to just make a card but I was talking to my dear friend Lillie and she had made the sweetest little backpack for her Cricut Cuts and Stamps challenge that I fell in love. Hers was a Cricut .cut file and I was way too lazy to design my own so I sort of put the idea aside until I was on my sweet friend Smita's blog (be sure to vote for her team!) and she had done an adorable backpack as well with a LINK to a tutorial which turned out to be from ANOTHER dear friend DeeDee from way back in 2008 before I even WAS blogging. Thank you to EVERYONE! Okay, so sorry for the long round about story of how this came to be, but isn't it fabulous to have bloggie friends for inspiration and how we all are connected!?

I had already picked out the cute apple paper by Creative Imaginations so my color scheme was set. I colored SchoolGirl to match with my copic and followed DeeDee's tutorial to make my backpack. The cute apple cut is the shadow cut from Create a Critter and I cut a circle out if it with Cricut Design Studio to frame SchoolGirl. My BFF's daughter Hayley is starting high school TODAY so I spelled her name out in Alpha Beads.

Had to have a little card to go with so there you go. It's a simple A2 (which I hardly ever do) but anything bigger looked silly with the little backpack and I wanted SchoolGirl to take center stage. She's cut and matted with Nesties with a matching bow and apple button and LOADS more Alpha Beads. Now pop over to the Tiddly Inks Challenge Blog to check out the adorable projects from the rest of the Tiddly Inkers and while you're at it, why not do a little back to school shopping at the Tiddly Inks Shop? I'm also going to enter this in Lillie's challenge too because it has both a (digital) stamp and a Cricut cut and is certainly a back to school theme (if she doesn't mind that I copied LOL). So now you've got TWO great challenges to play along with. (And there are prizes to be had!) Hope to see you there.

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