Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bah! Humbug! Charms Challenge and A Blog Award

I was determined to not wait until the last minute this week for Bah!Humbug! so I took a break from my DT stuff to create this little tag. The challenge this week is Charms and after looking through my stash I came upon this little snowflake I'd done with Shrink Plastic. It was cut on my Cricut using the Very Merry Tags cartridge. The tag itself was cut from Plantin Schoolbook on both regular and shadow at 4". The cute little Stampotique stamp is "I'm Cold" by Jill Penney. See, not all Stampotique stamps are creepy. (And can you imagine that Jill is married to Daniel Torrente of the creepy stamps? go figure) The DP's are from S.E.I.'s Wintersong pack including the paper pieced jacket. The rest of her is colored with Copics. The rub on is Melissa Frances.

A little popping, some ribbon and wired stuff that looks to me like snow balls and that's it.

Now before I get on to the blog award, I have to apologize to the 25 or so people who have given me awards since Feb. of this year and I've never posted. I truly do appreciate them, but when they started coming fast and furiously and I started to get behind the whole process got so totally overwhelming, checking back to previous posts to find what award and who they came from, etc. etc. , so I just gave up. So SOOOO sorry my friends. I will try to do better but...

However, I did receive the Cherry on Top award from Lisa, Karen, Oh Snap and Sandra (critterbugg365) and I thank you ladies sooo much. Please visit these lovely ladies by clicking on their names and leave them some love. You know the drill for these awards so I won't go over that, but I do need to post

3 things I love about myself

1. I love that I don't feel or act my age

2. I love that I've found a hobby I truly enjoy and look forward to every day

3. I love that I still believe in Santa Claus, Fairy Tales, Love at First Sight and Happily Ever After (not necessarily in that order)

And the picture I love

Goliath, relaxing on Daddy's lap,

not a care in the world.

Last but not least, I'm supposed to pass this award on to 5 bloggers and you know that's impossible for me to choose but I do want to recognize one sweet and talented friend who is relatively new to the blogging world (since June). I always enjoy her encouraging comments and want the rest of the crafty world to find her blog and appreciate her creativity like I do so

LISA, this one's for you!

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