Monday, August 30, 2010

If you're in SF.....

What // FECAL FACE 10th year Anniversary Show + Party
When // Friday September 10th
Where // Not A FF, but at The Luggage Store Gallery
- 1007 Market Street @ 6th St, San Francisco

In Issue 001 of Champfest we featured John + Jessica Trippe in the FF gallery.
Great duo!
Friendly with a great eye for talent not only in SF, but LA, NY and artists beyond. Fecal Face has provided the platforms for fresh upcomers into established and well-renowned artists.

Definitely not an event to miss!!!!!

Their info ++

Fecal Face Dot Com, the San Francisco based content-rich, multidisciplinary art and culture website, is pleased to announce the opening of its 10 Year Anniversary Show on Friday September 10, 2010 at The Luggage Store Gallery (1007 Market St, San Francisco, CA) with a reception running 6-8pm. Original paintings from 25 mid career artists based out of San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, and London. A live music event and party will immediately follow a block away at Mezzanine (44 Jessie St) 9pm-2am.

Displaying paintings, illustrations, photographs and mixed media works, artists whose work will be exhibited includeCorey Arnold (Portland), Tiffany Bozic (San Francisco), Kelsey Brookes (San Diego), David Choe (Los Angeles), Richard Colman ( Los Angeles), FAILE (New York), Jeremy Fish (San Francisco), Ian Francis (London), Matt Furie (San Francisco) , Mike Giant (San Francisco), Henry Gunderson (San Francisco), Maya Hayuk (New York), Jim Houser (Philadelphia), Jay Howell (San Francisco), Sylvia Ji (Los Angeles), Mel Kadel (Los Angeles), Anthony Lister (New York), Mars-1 (San Francisco), Travis Millard (Los Angeles), Ferris Plock (San Francisco), Albert Reyes (Los Angeles), Jeff Soto (Los Angeles), Damon Soule (New York), Kelly Tunstall (San Francisco), Aiyana Udesen (San Francisco), Oliver Vernon (San Francisco), and Megan Whitmarsh (Los Angeles)

mars-1 | courtesy FF

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