Monday, August 23, 2010

Concrete Hermit - London Stockist

Concrete Hermit stocks probably the best selection of mags, books and independent printed matter in London.

They have some exciting projects coming up, but for now, check out their website for an interview with Monique.  She talks all about Champ, how we started, magazines we like and why we keep doing what we're doing. 

Thanks CH. 

Check that out +++ Click here

//////////   Ala Champfest magazine was first released back in April, and we were stoked to see a nice mix of illustration, bike stuff, photography and lifestyle bits and bobs. Monique and Jo Kawecki – based in London and Melbourne respectively – put it together, and it contains a pretty unique International and cross-hemisphere flavour. We caught up with Monique to let us know how it all goes down…     /////////

PLUS!!! They have a SALE ON AT THE MOMENT!!!! 

Its Nice That Issue 002..down to 7.99..
Rob Ryan - You Can Still Do Alot With a Small Brain book..down to 22.50..

Arkitip No.0040 Ricky Powell .. down to 11.99..
-and god knows I love my coffee (fresh preferably but whatever)

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