Sunday, August 15, 2010

U R The Apple of my Eye

Hello all

ETA: hovering not working :(

On this post I am trying something new I found on the web so please be patient with me while I learn the whole process. I am not computer savvy :( and it does takes me a while to comprehend the instructions and details of it.
  If you hover over the photo(s) you are going to find some small white dots and those little white dots will give you some information on my projects. It is a bit time consuming for me so far but, I hope it does get easier with practice :)

U R The Apple of my Eye card
5 by  inch card
 (The only photo with the tags is this first one)

How did you like the hovering?  
Fun, uh? 

The U R letters are stickers from Making Memories.

The scroll is from Give a Hoot.

All the dots (they are beautiful in real life) were made with a Gelly Roll Sakura pen called Clear Star and it is like glitter...soft  glitter if I can call it that.

On this photo above I want you to notice the texture on the apple stem. It was done with...
 I believe I bought it at Joann's in a pack of six. It is a fabric marker made by Marvy Uchida. I love this brown color texture but so far that is the only color I have tried. What you do is  you heat the ink/paint with your heat tool and voila.

Also, in the background you might notice two black with red objects hehe. Those are the stamps I bought from Eileen's Ebay Store. You can win one of her stamps if you win the Sweet Pagoda challenge. These ones are self inking and very pretty to look at too, lol.

Well, I hope you enjoyed today's post and the new Tag Tool I played with.
Hugs to All!

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