Sunday, August 8, 2010


 Please read!
I have been wondering why I haven't received hardly any interest in this challenge. I thought it might be to early and I would have more entries as time goes but then while visiting a friend's blog I asked her if she was going to join the Sweet Pagoda challenge and she replied back saying she didn't have that one.
Duh! I forgot to add that if you do not own Pagoda you can still join. I am so sorry about this and if this was the reason why you didn't join yet PLEASE, accept my apologies.
Below you will find what I just edited and added to the challenge post. Maybe these addition to the rules change your mind and you decide to join.

ETA on Sunday, August 8
If you do not own Pagoda you can still participate with any image that will resemble any Asian theme. If you still can find any, not let that stop you. As the last resort you can use any fish, dragon, temple building. Be creative and make it Pagoda. 
Remember this challenge is to have-have fun-fun! and it comes with a small but useful blog candy.

For the challenge please,
click here

Come on guys, 
you can do it and you have plenty of time.
Love you all and 
would love 
for you guys to participate.

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