Monday, August 30, 2010

BBTB2 Blog Hop - Apron From the From My Kitchen Cartridge

Happy Monday everyone! Didn't August just fly by? It's the last Monday of the month and you know what that means, it's Blog Hop time at BBTB2. Hopefully you've arrived from the fabulously talented Krista's Blog, if not, why not pop on back over so you don't miss a thing. It's obvious that Krista is a chip off the old block, because her wonderfully creative Mom, Penny, chose the challenge this week; the apron cut from From My Kitchen (you'll see her fabulous creation further down the road). I used my DS to make a shaped front card using a variety of cuts from the Kitchen cart. The retro papers are from Cosmo Cricket Garden Variety and DCWV Nana's Nursery.
Here's a picture of it open so you can really see the shaped front. The buttons are a combination of Making Memories Chloe's Closet and Favorite Findings (on the apron) and the gorgeous colored ones on the card base are Stampin'Up (thanks Lillie). (BTW, Lillie has 24/7 ordering now if you click HERE)
Big surprise that there's dimension, eh?, but I WAS surprised that I had the perfect little dimensional sticker from Studio 18 that I found in the $ bin at M's. (It pays to dig!) Now off to hop to see what else is cookin'. Next stop, Julia's super fantastic BLOG, but before you go, please leave a comment for a chance to win a $30 gift certificate from Custom Crops. Thanks so much, Custom Crops! The winner will be announced sometime Saturday morning (hey, come on, it's Sat. LOL).
P.S. Scroll down to see this week's Macabre Monday Challenge "Creepy Cute" sponsored by Tiddly Inks. (Even you non creepsters oughta like that!)

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