Thursday, November 4, 2010


 I am not asking if you remember the wobbles I used on this project below

because I know you are all  dying to have some in your stash, lol, well you want at least one.

Keep rubbing the genie lamps because your wish might come true, hehehe

Action Wobbles have emailed us about giving away some samples
 to followers who respond to this post. You will have until         
before the end of tomorrow’s business day.
Isn't this a great company or what. These "Wobbles" are not even out on the market yet and got so lucky for following my blog and other blogs who were selected for the giveaways.
These are the requirements from Action Wobbles:
In order for your scrapbooking followers to receive a sample pack, they will need to send to me the following information to my email address.

  1. Name
  2. Address
  3. Email
  4. Cell/Home phone

There you go..................BUT............
please, you must leave a comment here before emailing Stacy.

Have fun with them....I know this will be new addiction, lol.

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