Monday, August 15, 2011

BBTB2 Baseball Challenge

Another Monday, another BBTB2 challenge, chosen this time by our fab sister, Karen. The baseball cut she suggested is on the Life's a Party cartridge, but I didn't have that one so I used Sports Mania, an oldie I may have used, maybe...once? Remember, you can always substitute a similar cut because we want everyone to have a chance to play along. I made a shaped card using the mitt, also on SM and the "have a Ball" sentiment from Birthday Bash. I chose the colors of the SF Giants, they DID win the World Series last year, after all. I wasn't thrilled with it at first because it looked unbalanced. Thought about putting the SF logo at the top left but it wasn't working. I asked DH and he suggested a pennant. WooHoo! That did the trick. The pennant is also from SM and I welded "Yea" using Plantin Schoolbook RolyPoly font. Thought this could be used for a number of occasions.

The mitt looked best all glued together to show the stitching detail, so I really hadn't planned on this many layers, but as usual, it just grew. Conveniently, I was able to stick the pennant under the baseball and shadow because of the way I'd placed the foam underneath. Then I just added a few adhesive beads from M's. My DT sisters have come up with super creative takes on this challenge, so be sure to stop by BBTB2 and have a look. We'd love to have you play along with a "new" project, and remember, you have 2 weeks to complete it. I'm also entering this in the Cards for Men, Anything Goes Challenge, the 365 Cards Sports Team Color Challenge and Sentimental Sundays Shaped Card Challenge. For some reason, blogger has decided to screw up my Blog so at the moment, all my sidebar stuff is at the bottom of the posts. I'm quite frustrated with it all but afraid to mess with it further, hoping it will come to it's senses and go back the way it was on it's own. When I go into "DESIGN", it still shows my original configuration so I'm hoping it's them, not me. Oh, and if you'd like a chance at some "Card Candi" and would like to see what Jacob has been up to, click HERE.

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