Wednesday, August 17, 2011


this is a BIA (Bind It All) project. a small notebook for a young friend friend of my son. T will be going to Connecticut to study theater/film production. she is very smart and already wrote, directed and produced a small play while in high school. T also assisted on the production of Lil' Abner, where my son played Abner.

5.25 x 3.25
NOTES were stamped with the Font-abulous clear stamp set from My Pink Stamper. the theater faces (sometimes called (Comedy and Tragedy) are from Locker Talk---image #24 with all its layers.

the ticket border is from K&CO. and the faces were stamped with an inkadinkado stamp set i own.

another view so you noticed the thickness of the notebook and the faces. i used modge podge to adhere the paper to a very thick chipboard.

this is how your BIA wires should look when closed. i still can't get a perfect "O" but i am getting much better. i really do not think you can get a perfect "O" but i keep trying. :P
T school colors are red, black and white.

thanks for stopping by and i hope this project reminds you of the dusty BIA in your closet. hehe
(that is where i found mine--LOL)

love you all and have a fab day!

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