Monday, August 22, 2011


i hope you all had a great weekend.

this week at the Bitten by the Bug 2 we have a sponsor:
The Stamping Boutique
click here for the link if you want to check them out.

i tried my best with this project and my apologies to those who have mastered the art which i just mutilated with my inexpertise.

(photo heavy) 
 this was my first try but i decided to add some grass or something 
below the fence.

i used a MS punch and border to add these details.

much better here right? :)

i then added a frame, but the wrong one. :( for this challenge i had to use a frame from "happy hauntings", ooops! --sorry heather.

and the beware sentiment is from My Pink Stamper latest release

here is my scarecrow in all its glory, :)

now, if i tried, you can too.
go ahead and participate in the challenge.
you can see now you do not have to be a pro. just have to be brave and try something new. and then publish it for the wide world to see, hehe

notes... i do not own any fancy markers and all i had was a crayola watercolors set and that is what i used to color this image. i also used watercolor paper i had in my stash.

click on this logo above and it will take you to the site so you can participate in the challenge and have fun with us too.
and...if you leave me a link to your project i will then select one for a little surprise from me to you.

thanks for stopping by.

love you all!

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