Thursday, August 18, 2011


in my To Do List i have a few Thank You cards i have to make but i haven't have time. my days haven't been too sunny lately but i am trying a new medicine starting today and i am hoping it works better or at least lasts longer.
anyhow, i made one of those thank you cards today, and it is going overseas.
Just Add Water...
4" x 6"
i do not know why i am liking the thickness on the cuts lately, but i cut 4 layers of the white cardstock for this card. it is a 110lbs. cardstock so it is not flimsy at all. i am just liking the look right now, maybe i change my likes next month, lol.
the stamp is from My Pink Stamper latest release and is called: Yummy-licious. well, flowers are yummy-licious too and i decided to use one of those stamps from my image.

the cut is from Everyday Pop Up Cards (cricut cartridge of course), image #3 on the overlay and page #23 on the handbook. i cut all its layers too.

a close-up of the flower. loving the texture on that paper.

this is another sentiment from the yummy-licious set and i stamped it on the inside.

 i used the Font-abulous set for the shipping envelope
----the bad stamping was my fault, not the stamps fault, i was in a hurry :(----

well, one card to go....many more to make :P

remember you can click on the pics for zooming and you can click on any of the links to go to My Pink Stamper site---even this one,  :)

Big Hugs to all!

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