Monday, August 8, 2011

Macabre Monday Kreepy Kids (Warning! Possibly Offensive)

It's another Macabre Monday and first I want to thank everyone for participating in our 100th challenge last week at Haunted Design House. Your projects were awesome and I certainly hope we see you again. This week our challenge is Kreepy Kids. I'm pretty sure my fans of the dark side will find my offering amusing, but I worry a bit about my mainstream followers and I'm hoping no one will take offense. I found the image on the net at Motifakes by somawhale. Fabulously creepy, eh? I've fashioned a sort of Gothic "blankie" using an MS punch around the page set. I was sort of channeling "Rosemary's Baby" here, one of my all time fave movies. The sentiment was done with my Dymo. No surprise I don't have kids. LOL I'm also entering this in the Forever Night Challenge Good or Evil Challenge. Guess you can tell which this is. So pop by Haunted Design House and check out the rest of the Minions creations and while you're enjoying the dark side, have a look see at the inspiration over at Forever Night Challenges as well.

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