Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tiddly Inks We Are Gell-ing Challenge

We have an exciting challenge going on at Tiddly Inks this week: Gel Cards! Never heard of a gel card? Go take a peek at the tut by our very own Meredith HERE. I didn't have any of the smaller baggies to use for my card so I had to fill a snack size that was 4 x 6 1/2. Now those who know me well, know I'm not really one to get "down and dirty" with inks and goop and whatnot, so I wasn't all that sure about this challenge. However, I was able to use hair gel, Distress Reinker and stickles all in my baggie, close it and smoosh it around (even open it and add more) without getting a drop of it on me or my table. WooHoo! I loved having the large window in my card, but it was a bit more difficult to mount. I used Terrifically Tacky Tape on both the card and the silver mat to secure it, then added the the top mat, embossed with the Cuttlebug D'Vine Swirls folder to the top with adhesive foam. The windows were cut with my Nesties Mega Ovals. Peeking through is the fabulous new Mermaid Miranda, part of the oh so gorgeous Victorian Gothic/Steampunk release.

Here's where It actually got messy. For the undersea flora, I cut apart a felt coaster I'd gotten at M's and tried to color it, not realizing that the felt had a water resistant coating on it (duh, it's a coaster). My first thought was Distress Ink, but it didn't even begin to stick. I then tried Alcohol Inks, Copic?...nope. (By then my fingers were blue and I was getting P---ed!) I finally tried soaking the felt and mopping up the Distress Inks Reinker I'd dropped on my craft mat and that at least turned it from yellow to a bit of a greenish color. I added Waterfall Stickles and Sprinked on some Mica Flakes as well. The glitter flowers are Heidi Grace, with Doodlebug glitter brads in the center. I'm also adding this to the Paper Cutz Under the Sea Challenge this week.

Here is the lovely Miranda inside. She's colored wth Copics and glittered up with Stickles, as well, and I've added Cloud Nine Raindot bubbles. To me she looks like she hasn't a care in the world, so I've added the Cloud Nine epoxy sentiment "no worries". Wouldn't that be nice? Now go have a look at the amazingly creative ways the Tiddly Inkers are gell-ing this week and I just know you all want to play along. And be sure to pop over to Christy's blog for a look at the fab new images she's added to The Store and the sweet story that resulted in some FREEBIES! WooHoo!

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