Sunday, August 28, 2011

Macabre Monday I Was Framed Sponsored by Dilly Beans

Okay guys, this week we Minions have a super challenge for you for Macabre Monday, sponsored by the most fantastic creepy cute images from Dilly Beans. Our challenge requires you to use a frame because so many of Megan's fantastic digis have a fabulous frame around them. Megan is offering eight (count 'em EIGHT!) digis from her adorable designs, two each to the Gruesome Twosome, and four to the winner (Megan's favorite) of the challenge. Let me tell you, I've got PLENTY more than 8 and she currently has a sale running where you can buy 3 and get one free (through Labor Day)! BTW, although my FAVES are in the creepy cute catagory, there are plenty more that are just plain CUTE so check them out HERE. I've chosen the sort of mournful #205 Hypno Eye Girl. She looks so sad. Who is she missing? There were so many ways I wanted to color her, but I finally decided on my fave Copic combo of red, black and white. I used portions of the MS spider web punch around the page and distressed the mats with my Distrezz-it-All. The fab embellies include a Wonky eyed skull from our own fabulous Creepy Glo Bugg's Etsy store, as well as a flower from Recollections.

I printed the stamp twice so I could add some dimension to her face and added some adhesive beads to balance the design. As usual, the Minions have some fabulous inspiration and don't forget to check back on Wednesday for Glo's take on the challenge at HDH. ALWAYS worth waiting for! We LOVE seeing what you come up with, so grab a frame of some sort and join in. You could be the lucky winner of some FAB stamps from Dilly Beans! I'm also entering this in the Forever Night Too Cute to Spook Challenge. I think she's WAY too cute to spook, don't you?

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