Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Macabre Monday Foul Flutterings Challenge

I'm hoping not to offend with this one. (Don't faint, Sandy.) It actually scares the bejeebies out of me too. I know it's Wednesday, but thankfully Barb our Masterful Mistress of the Macabre allows us a little wiggle room at times and I sure needed it this week. So here is my Macabre Monday Foul Flutterings offering for Haunted Design House. (And who thought the Cricut was all cutesy? LOL) Can't get enough of that Oct 31st cart! I cut the winged demon twice using Design Studio to slightly enlarge it the second time and hid most of the contours for the red shadow effect (Nope, no real shadows-bummer!) The flames are from Indy Art both shadow and regular welded in DS to a rectangle from George. Those fabulously scary gates are also from Oct 31st. The poor burning souls are Heads by Daniel Torrente from Stampotique and they were inked, sprayed, distressed, cut out and brushed with Perfect Pearls. Unfortunately I'm still awaiting a new battery for my camera so these were taken with my Bloggie and I can't seem to get closeups in focus so the details are lost for now. (Well, I guess you can click on the pic.)
To add to the dimension I made this a stair step card. I ground up the edges of everything with my Distrezz-it-All. The fabulous embossed tag is from another of those new Cuttlebug Embossing Plus folders called Fanciful Labels (love them now that I've figured them out. LOL). The black was inked while in the folder and then I distressed it with Tea Dye. The sentiment was computer generated before running it through the Cuttlebug. I seem to recall from a very scary movie "The Sentinel" perhaps?, that "Abandon hope all ye who enter here" was above the door that led to hell. Seemed appropriate. Don't worry, I'll be back soon with something cutesy for Bah!Humbug! so you don't have to delete me off your sidebar. And please forgive if I haven't made it to your blogs yet. Seriously, I'm still recovering from CHA. xxD Oops! Maybe not so soon. Didn't finish and I have a hair appt. tomorrow morning so I think I'm gonna be late with it. Sorry!

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