Monday, October 25, 2010

BBTB2 Banner and Blog Hop!

Welcome friends to the BBTB2 Blog Hop and Country Life Banner Challenge. Hopefully you've arrived from my dear friend and fellow MSU Spartan Susan's blog. If not, you might like to hop on back to BBTB2 so you don't miss a thing. I really worked hard on this project and am sooo bummed that none of the pix turned out decent at all. DH says I've alot going on, it's too dark, and the aspect ratio is wrong to be able to read the letters. Well that "M" was huge, even when I scaled it down so I couldn't make the dang things any bigger or they'd be off the banner. (Thanks Dear, I always sooo appreciate your support. LOL) I know you can't see any details in this pic, but I was going for the vampire fans and the banner says "Bite Me!" I used the totally vampy color scheme of black, cream and blood red. Papers from my fave K&Co stack.

The swirly prints looked old and elegant to me and I used the Vampire font shadow and regular from Happy Hauntings for the letters. For some reason the "M" is way over sized compared to the rest of them. They were all cut at 2" but I had to scale down the "M" to 1 5/8" to be in proportion. Thank heaven for Design Studio. I also used it to fashion the red layer of the banner and to optimize my cuts on the paper. All is inked with either Black Soot or Aged Mahogany Distress Ink.

The flags are strung on May Arts velvet rickrack and I used Tim Holtz jump rings to attach the dangly bats...

and blood drops. The drops are from Indy Art, stretched in Design Studio and cut twice. I ran the back right side down through my Xyron, stuck them together and poured glitter on the open area for shine. (I hope Edward sees this!) Now off to hop to the fabulously talented Theresa's Blog, but not before you leave a comment for a chance to win a $30 gift certificate to Custom Crops.

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