Friday, October 29, 2010


Not too good here :( husband is sick and we all know how that goes. I have to chaperon tonight for him and I really hope he feels better tomorrow because we have a competition on Saturday and another one on Sunday. I can't do the competitions because they are too long and my health does not allow it. 

 I got at ACM the other day 3 new carts, each one for 35$. I couldn't let that sale just go by me, lol. 
I had to borrow money from my't that bad? lol.

Watch me Go 
is the card I made with 
Boys will be Boys.
The truck was cut at 3 inches high and so was the inside phrase too.

 This cartridge is really nice. Easy to layer and the images are very cool. 
As boys will say..."Cool Mom, Cool" not cute :)
The truck was popped on foam squares and I used all the layers from the image.
The "Watch me Go" is from a stamp set I own from Recollections,


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