Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween and BBTB2 Blog Hop Winner!

Happy Halloween! Such an exciting day! Would you believe I'm STILL decorating? Yes, I KNOW it's THE DAY but I'll just leave all my stuff up 'til Thanksgiving (you think I'm kidding, don't you? LOL) Anyway, I thought I would share a few pix of my newest Halloween acqusitions. My adorable kitty is from The Pixie's Thimble by Cindy Conrad. I've been trying to win her stuff on ebay for some time, but I finally gave up and commisioned as piece. Isn't he just the cutest? He needs a girlfriend though. Maybe next year.

And this is Gabriella Goode Grimm Witch from Olde Cape Primitives by Kaf Grimm, yet another artist I adore. I plan to eventually get a whole coven of these. LOL

I'd love to show you more but as I said, I'm not all DONE yet. However be sure to come back tomorrow for the Dia de los Muertos Blog Hop. Lots of good stuff going on. (and some candy too!) In all my haste yesterday I forgot to choose the winner of the BBTB2 Blog Hop so without further ado, the winner of the $30.00 gift certificate to CUSTOM CROPS is.......


Please contact me at dlmundinger (at) yahoo (dot) com to arrange for your prize.

Well, I better get going and get my stuff done. Goliath is obviously anxious for treats. To see more fun pix (of Goliath in costume) and some of the other BBTB2 sisters, kids, grandkids and furbabies hop on over to the BBTB2 Halloween Parade and upload your pic to win a prize!

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