Monday, May 24, 2010

BBTB2 Dress Form from Forever Young

Well here's a girly one (aren't you all relieved after yesterday's creepy Dr?). This week at BBTB2 the cut of choice is the dress form from Forever Young. I was excited to use this cartridge again because it was another of the ones I just HAD to have and I've really not explored it much at all. The pretty pink and black papers are all from the Sabrina 6x6 pad by Making Memories. I love using the smaller pads for cards because of the reduced scale of the patterns.

I created a shaped front card by welding the shadows of the word "chic" and the dress form with a flourish from Picturesque. (Another cart I haven't used yet. LOL) I was thrilled how well that particular flourish went with the floral print inside. The birdcage skirt is from Serenade (and don't ask me how much I paid for that before it was readily available) and AGAIN, this is the first time of used it. Please don't tell me I'm the ONLY one who's done that. The bow is made from some absolutely EXQUISITE silk ribbon I got from Stamp and Create. Tres chic!

Lots of layers as seen from the dimensional view and of course the all important adhesive gems. For a moment I thought I was out of the right size of black ones and I almost had a heart attack. They were hiding under a pile of crap on my table but I had just enough. A trip to M's is definitely in order! Be sure to stop by BBTB2 to see the fabulously creative things my DT sisters have done with this cut and we'd love it if you'd play along.

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