Sunday, May 23, 2010

Macabre Monday Challenge #39

Happy Sunday! Those of you who have been visiting for awhile know what's coming. WOOHOO! It's time for another Macabre Monday challenge for Haunted Design House. This week the challenge is Devious Doctors and Fiendish Florence Nightingales. (Heck, I pretty much think ALL doctors and nurses fall into that catagory (I apologize to you if you happen to be in that profession but hey, I call 'em like I see 'em. Whadda ya mean you'll only feel a slight pinch? OWWWWWW!) My creativity sort of ran dry until I started thinking about how far medicine has come. We just saw Robin Hood and I started thinking about doctors in medieval times so I browsed the internet until I came across pictures of the lovely tools of the trade (are you kidding me!?) and this little illustration of a doctor and his patient (doing what?). Click on the pic to get up close and personal with this dude. So anyway, no stamped image, no bells and whistles.

I thought it came out kinda elegant AND to the point. Perfect for a history buff recovering from surgery, don't you think? (I'm not so sure it would have been appreciated BEFORE surgery though. LOL) I hope this doesn't freak out any of my new followers (or my old ones for that matter. Sandy, I KNOW you secretly love these. LOL). Be sure and come back tomorrow for my BBTB2 card. I REALLY like how it's turning out!

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