Wednesday, May 26, 2010


You my friends are the best, you are so gracious with all your encouraging words and knowing you are there for me no matter what it make my days.
I thank You from the bottom of my heart.

  My son will be leaving for NYC this Friday. The school chorus were invited to perform in the AliceTully Hall on Sunday. Now, that is another major accomplishment. Our school has so many opportunities for our kids to get involved and participate and my son takes advantage of anything musical/academic. Music is my son's passion.

A big CONGRATULATIONS to this group of singers for making it to the
BIG APPLE for another great performance.

Anyway...I did not have time to go to the Gym yesterday because neglected things needed to be taken care of. (Did I mention I got a gym membership to try loose these extra pounds I put in after my open heart surgery, when I stopped being a chimney, lol)

Well...I had a bit of extra time and I made this cute card for you guys.

 This is a 5 by 7 inches card.
The steaks....oops, I mean the cows, lol... are from the Animal Kingdom cartridge and
 were cut at 4 and 2.75 inches. The smaller one was mounted on pop-dots.
 The sentiment "Have a moo-velous day!" is from Robyn...My Pink Stamper who you all know I design for You must know by now that most of the time I used American Crafts textured cardstock  I want you to notice the kind of clear/crisp these type of high quality photo-polymer stamps are giving me
even on a textured surface.
The butterfly and glitter flowers are from a K&CO pack from my stash
and I used stickles for the eyes.
The background with the clouds is a cardstock from Debbie Mum
and the green area is from DCWV, the Songird collection.
----- more thing I used was one survivor from the Sakura Glaze pens I bought a while ago (most of them dried out on me, I will never buy them in packs like that)...the survivor one was the black one and used it to give their hooves (feet, lol) a nice shine and I love how it came out.
 This is the inside of the card and the lined envelope.

I hope you like it a was lots of fun to put together.

Animal Kingdom has some nice layers easy to work with too and I was really pleased to
get to used this old cart.
It has so many images I forgot about.

Love to you all and...

Have a Moo-velous Day!!!!

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