Sunday, May 30, 2010

Look Good & Feel Good: Fashions that Give Back

I love shopping, too much probably. Sometimes I worry I might turn out like Isla Fisher in Confessions of a Shopaholic. I probably even get her worried facial expression when I finish a mini-shopping spree, but then I smile when I remember how cute my new stuff is! :) But no worries for college-student budget keeps me in check. 
As I was kicking back earlier this Memorial Day weekend, I was thinking of simple ways that would allow me to give back to my community, society, mankind, etc.... And then it hit me! I can shop at stores that support charity projects. It's a great way to get both the rewarding feeling of helping people & some stylish new threads. So I booted up my trusty Macbook and browsed for stores that contribute to some organization or project, and here is what I found:
H & M "Fashion Against Aids" supports projects to increase awareness of HIV/AIDS amongst youth. 25% of every purchase from their "Festival Collection" goes to HIV/AIDS prevention for youth across the globe. Unfortunately, the closest H & M is about 150 miles away. Here are some neat finds on their website:
Most of the clothing and accessories in the collection have a boho-rock feel. I looove the tent, how cute is that?? And the headphones are great...I get annoyed with the little iPod earbuds after a few songs.
TOMS shoes gives a pair of new shoes to a child in need for every pair purchased! I was humbled after researching their movement "One For One." The TOMS shoes that the children receive will allow them to attend school, prevent cuts and sores as well as diseases transmitted through soil. Other brands have joined the movement, too - Ralph Lauren Rugby and Element shoes and skateboards to be exact. Check out the TOMS movement for more information.
I will admit, before I knew they story, I was skeptical of TOMS shoes when they became trendy on campus. I guess they grew on me because now I really want a pair. Everybody I know who owns a pair absolutely loves them. People even host paint parties where they paint a pair of TOMS canvas shoes. FUN!! Here are my faves:

Women's Red Newport Cordones and Classic Natural Burlap shown. The latest People Style Watch shows a cute, new TOMS heel that has an espadrille look, but I can't find it online. :(

(RED)contributes HALF of all profits from Product Red sales to The Global Fund which helps women and children affected by AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria in Africa. Brands including Apple, Gap, Converse, Dell, Starbucks, and Nike are (RED) partners. In the UK, you can order flowers through FLOWE(RED) and 100% of profits go directly to the Global Fund. These products were my favorites:

Gap(PRODUCT)RED women's "Hippie Girl" tee, Dell laptop with (PRODUCT)RED Artwork by Joseph Amedokpo, Gap (PRODUCT)RED men's "Let Love In" tee
This Ladies' Home Journal article is about brands that give back - check it out!
Any brides out there? Visit I Do Foundation and "discover chic and unique ways to raise money for charity with your wedding." Share the love ladies!!
The Charity Vault is a handy website that helps you find charities and organizations and places where you can volunteer.

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