Tuesday, May 25, 2010


As most of you know I was chosen to be a designer at Joy's Life.
I was thrilled with it and very honored.
Today as she made the announcement I received a change of schedule on some things I am involved with and with sadness in my heart I had to email Joy and resign as a designer for her team. In addition to it some personal reasons were already scheduled for this coming month 
making it even harder to commit at this time.
I wanted to explain since you might wonder what happened.
My time right now is very limited and you can see it since I haven't been around your blogs as I used to.
My apologies to you guys too for not having the time to comment/visit as much as I would love to. I haven't forgotten anybody,  I love you all...you know that. It is what it is right now but it will get better.

I am going to stay with Robyn since I was already committed to her and I hope I can continue being a fairy for Audrey's showcase and this is all I will be able to commit for now. I also want to finish my Wild Card with Lisa since we are almost done with them and then take it day by day until all comes back to normal.

Hugs to all!!!

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